Thursday, March 21, 2013


So I'm at the precipice of reaching that milestone of 9 weeks. Claire is the only baby to survive past 9 weeks so we're just waiting - taking it day by day. I'm massively nauseous but mostly force myself to not throw up. The food I'm willing to eat has to stay down somehow.

I was thinking this morning how its so bizarre that I'm pregnant. We tried on our own and after so many years of failure it felt pointless. Or like pretend. "Sure, let's be like normal, fertile people and make a baby on our own!"

But it happened. And the longer this pregnancy lasts the more attached I become to the idea that we will actually welcome another child into this little family of ours in October. I always dreamed of having four kids, but when we hit the wall of infertility and RPL, I swore I'd be happy with even just one baby. Now we might have a second one? Well in my eyes, this baby is a bonus and a miracle.


Andrea said...

I'm happy for you! Today I am also at 8w6d (I realize you wrote this a few weeks ago), so it'll be fun to watch how you progress, just a few weeks ahead. I've had 3 losses in the last 3 years, so I understand a little of what you're feeling. Good luck to you!

Christa said...

Hi Andrea! Thanks for the comment on my blog! Also, CONGRATULATIONS! It'll be nice to have a pregnancy buddy out there. I'll be thinking of you and sending positive vibes your way. :) Christa

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