Friday, February 12, 2010


I am Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise as of today. I have ovulated and the eggs only last 18-24 hours and since I had my shot on Tuesday, time is up. I start my progesterone supps tomorrow morning (yay) and wait until next Friday to start testing out the trigger. I swear I will wait this time b/c I wasted HPTs from 7dpiui-10dpiui and the trigger wasn't out till 11dpiui. So next friday is 10dpt, 9dpiui. I will use dollar tree hpts b/c I didn't buy any internet cheapies or discount CBEs or FRERs on Ebay this time. Unemployed/laid off, can't afford it.

I purposely didn't buy any tests yesterday when I was at the Dollar Tree so that I wouldn't be tempted next week. I will go into town next Thursday and buy 10. Yes 10. I'm a nut.

BTW I was up with DH last night lamenting our pathetic excuse for a sex life b/c we've had to "schedule" bd-ing for over 2 years now so it's pretty hard to be "spontaneous" when we know we have to "do it". He said that he hopes that this cycle is a resounding success or a monumental failure so that we can have a chance to go back to the way things used to be. Silly boy. He has no idea that things will never go back to how they were in college or before we started TTC-ing/got married. But I do agree that it would be nice to only BD when we were "in the mood" instead of "following the schedule".

It's hard to feel sexy when you enter the room with a tube of Preseed and a pillow. LOL.....


Lindsay said...

I have my fingers crossed for you!!!

Anonymous said...

Haha. You are right. BD-ing on a schedule is rough. We have been doing it for a year, but it feels alot longer. Good luck this cycle!!

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