Wednesday, October 12, 2011


No dilation at Mondays appointment. I was told she was engaged though. As I type this she's rolling around like crazy! Feels like she's trying to claw her way out too.

I have a biophysical profile with my 41-week appointment next Tuesday which is an ultrasound, so at least I'll get to see my baby for the first time since 20 weeks.

Being overdue is torture, but I'm thankful I get to have a full-term baby. I know there are many who haven't.

Also I'm positive she's dropped. Her butt used to be right under my ribs, now its just above or at my belly button. Now she can come out! Argh.


Bridget said...

I hope she comes soon! This waiting is hard, not knowing when they'll come!! GOOD LUCK!

Laura said...

Come on baby! Thinking of you and hoping she doesn't actually claw her way out! :)

Sarah said...

Come on out baby girl! :)

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I Can't Control Everything | Desenvolvido por EMPORIUM DIGITAL