Sooo sick. Desperately trying to not vomit.
DH got a new job today and I got a sweet raise.
One more week till we see what is or isn't cooking in there...
Claire pic for you all:
Sooo sick. Desperately trying to not vomit.
DH got a new job today and I got a sweet raise.
One more week till we see what is or isn't cooking in there...
Claire pic for you all:
Still pregnant. We lost our first at this point in 2008. Well this one isn't a chemical so I'd like to think we're in the clear today.
I tested up to yesterday to see the lines get darker. They mimic the tests from Claire's pregnancy and for me, that's reassuring.
I feel sick and it seems sooner than with any other time. To think that this is my SIXTH pregnancy....I'm still wrapping my mind around the concept. We always planned on having more kids but I really believed it would be years before I got pregnant again.
With Claire I was on Folgard, heparin injections twice a day, low dose prednisone, prenatal vitamins, baby aspirin and PIO.
This pregnancy I'm taking prenatal vitamins, baby aspirin and low dose prednisone
With Claire I limited myself to picking up nothing more than 10 lbs almost the entire pregnancy.
This pregnancy I'm a mom to a >26 lb toddler. I buy groceries and clean my house. Unless advised otherwise I have to lift some stuff but I'll limit it to Claire's weight class.
Overall we hope that I can be a "normal" pregnant person and have everything go smoothly. Lofty aspirations for someone with RPL but its keeping me calmer, more relaxed.
Also, I continue to remember how long 9 months will be and that I have to take it one day at a time. Its funny, I wake up and have to remind myself that I'm pregnant. Or at work and I'll be in a meeting and think to myself, 'I'm pregnant!'. Then I smile. No matter how long this lasts, I'll be happy and grateful for this baby, just like all the others.
The difference now is, I have Claire and she gives the best hugs and kisses so no matter what happens, she'll get me through whatever happens. Oh and my husband. Ha ha.
Beta #1 at 14 dpo: 90
Beta #2 at 16 dpo: 286!!!!!!!!
Doubling time of 28.78 hours holy crap!!!
Might this actually be a miracle?
Beta #1 on 14 dpo:
Hcg: 90
Progesterone: 33.2
Yuck. Now we wait till Sundays results are in. But I expected a beta over 100. Better than previous shitty beta /pregnancies but not as encouraging as my IVF pregnancy.
4 weeks today according to the opks. The Dr wants a beta and progesterone draw due to my history. Repeat beta on Sunday. I didn't even ask for betas! Oh well I won't complain.
I have pretty strong morning sickness but I haven't thrown up yet. Food aversion? Check. Sore boobs? Check. Tired? Oh yeah.
We aren't telling anyone for awhile. I have a 6 week ultrasound on march 5 now to get placement and hopefully see a heartbeat. We wonder if there are two in there? Oh boy....
Thanks for the well wishes! Its nice to know people still care even after I kind of went off the grid.
I'm a Mommy! Claire Elise was born 10/19/2011 by C-section.
Grace Irene followed on 10/25/2013, another C-section.
11/11/2010 - FDA required blood tests (DONE)
11/15/2010 - AF arrives (DONE)
11/17/2010 - Begin BCPs (DONE)
12/6/2010 - STL, finalize IVF, injection lesson (DONE)
12/18/2010 - Start 2x/day BCP regimen (DONE)
12/21/2010 - Make IVF Cycle Payment (DONE)
12/25/2010 - Start Lupron - 20 units/day (DONE)
12/27/2010 - Last day for BCPs (DONE)
1/3/2011 - Baseline appt in STL with AFC (DONE)
1/3/2011 - Embryo Freezing/Storage Payment (DONE)
1/4/2011 - Estradiol (E2) & LH blood draw locally: E2: 5.0 pg/ml; LH: 1.4 mIU/ml (DONE)
1/6/2011 - Begin Follistim 125 IU am, 75 IU pm (DONE)
1/8/2011 - Add Repronex 75 IU 1x/7 pm (DONE)
1/9/2011 - E2 drawn locally, E2: 58.0 pg/ml (DONE)
1/10/2011 - Monitoring appt in STL. AWFUL. Fluid drained. Lining in question, increase Follistim to 150 IU in a.m. and p.m. (DONE)
1/11/2011 - Begin 10-day Doxyclycline (DONE)
1/11/2011 - E2 blood draw locally, E2: 204.0 pg/ml. (DONE)
1/12/2011 - Monitoring appt in STL. Great with lining at 9. Increase Follistim to 200 IU in a.m and p.m. and increase Repronex to 150 IU in a.m. and p.m. (DONE)
1/13/2011 - E2 and Progesterone blood draw locally, E2: 604.0 pg/ml; Progesterone 0.6 mg/ml (DONE)
1/14/2011 - Monitoring appt in STL (DONE)
1/15/2011 - Trigger date, last date of Lupron injections, last day of stimming, last day of baby aspirin till after ER. TRIGGER AT 8:00 PM. (DONE)
1/17/2011 - ER (egg retrieval) at 8:00 AM.: 20 eggs!; PIO injections begin. (DONE)
1/19/2011 - Fert Report: only 7 embryos but 4 made it to today. Poor egg quality. (DONE)
1/20/2011 - 3-day embryo transfer of two embryos, 8-cell grade B and a 9-cell grade B+. Lining at 14.7. (DONE) 1/22/2011 - Last 2 embryos did not make it to freeze. (DONE)
1/24/2011 - 4dp3dt: Test HCG trigger: out of system. (DONE)
1/25/2011 - 5dp3dt: Faint + on FRER but BFN on Digital EPT.
1/26/2011 - 6dp3dt: BFP on Digital CBE and FRER!
2/3/2011 - Beta #1 : 471 mlU/ml
2/5/2011 - Beta #2: 1226 mlU/ml
2/12/2011 - U/S #1 in STL: (5w5d) 1 gestational sac, one yolk sac, one fetal pole measuring one day ahead at 5w6d.
2/18/2011 - U/S #2 in IA: (6w4d) Heartbeat 131 bpm, fetal pole still measuring one day ahead (7.1 mm) at 6w5d.
3/2/2011 - U/S #3 in IA: (8w2d/8w3d?) Heartbeat 158 bpm, baby measuring 3 days ahead now (2.10 cm) at 8w5d.
3/10/2011 - 9 week appointment for "History and Bloodwork".
3/17/2011 - U/S #4 in IA: (10w4d-ish) Heartbeat at 167 bpm, baby measuring ahead (3.93 cm) at 10w6d.
3/25/2011 - 11w5d (12 week appt): U/S #5 showed more growth and strong heartbeat with tons of movement.
3/31/11 - 12w4d: found the heartbeat with the doppler at home! Listening every couple of days for reassurance.
4/26/2011 - 16 week appointment.
5/23/2011 - 20 week appointment & anatomy u/s: GIRL!
6/24/2011 - 24 week appointment
7/20/2011 - 28 week appointmet & 1 hr GTT
10/19/2011 - Baby girl born via C-section
11/9/2007: Get married, then-husband and I start trying for a baby!
3/2008: Chemical Pregnancy (Miscarriage #1)
4/08 - 12/08: BFNs
1/09: Meet with OB/GYN "infertility specialist"; then-husband's sperm count low
1/09: HSG, all clear!
2/09: Surprise natural BFP!
3/10/09: Heartbeat at 5w6d, normal pregnancy
3/27/09: Spontaneous miscarriage at 9 weeks (Miscarriage #2)
4/09 - 5/09: BFNs
6/09: IUI #1 (clomid 50mg, trigger, progesterone) BFN
7/09: IUI cancelled due to cyst.
8/09: IUI #2 (clomid 50mg, trigger, progesterone). BFN; visit with Infertility Urologist; Severe MFI dx, Then-husband to start Clomid,
9/09 - 10/09: BFN
11/09: IUI #3 (clomid 50mg, trigger, progesterone), BFP! Slow rising betas. Ectopic Pregnancy; emergency laparoscopic surgery to remove; switched doctors within ob/gyn office. (Miscarriage #3)
12/09: BFN
1/10: IUI #4 (clomid 100mg, trigger, progesterone), BFN
2/10: IUI #5 (clomid 100mg, trigger, progesterone), BFN; Then-husband checkup w/ Urologist; all normal now. No more clomid after Feb 2011.
3/10: IUI #6 (clomid 100mg, trigger, progesterone), BFN
4/9/10: IUI #7 (clomid, repronex, trigger, progesterone).
4/20/10: BFP! - Slow rising but acceptable betas
4/26/10: IVF PRELIM APPT - clinic sucks!!!
5/12/10: Then-husband follow-up appt w/ urologist; continue Clomid, only Testosterone blood draw at Aug appt.
5/14/10: 7w1d u/s - no fetal pole/development - d&c (Miscarriage #4)
6/1/10: WTF appt
6/4/10: Blood sent to Mayo Clinic for Chromosomal Analysis (including phospholipid test and DVV)
6/16/10: Received results of Genetic Tests: WE ARE NORMAL
6/20/10: AF #1 post d&c
7/19/10: AF #2 post d&c arrives - back to TTC
8/1/10: IUI #8 (3 follicles; 60-80 million post-wash), BFN
8/11/10: Then-husband appt w/ Urologist; will stay on Clomid for now
8/30/10 or 8/31/10: IUI #9 cancelled (4 follicles) due to sudden retrograde ejaculation = no sperm post-wash.
9/13/10: AF
9/15/10: Phone consult w/ Dr. S at IVF Clinic in St. Louis
10/15/10: AF
10/16/10: IVF Consult w/ Dr. S in St. Louis
10/17/10: CD3 blood tests (AMH: 1.7 ng/ml; E2 21.0 pg/ml; FSH 7.9 miu/ml); I am told these are normal.
10/21/10: Hysteroscopy w/ Laparoscopy for HSG - New Diagnosis of Endometriosis Stage I-II. Then-husband semen analysis shows count has returned to pre-Clomid treatment numbers and he is at risk for diabetes. AMH of 1.7 means I have Dysfunctional Ovaries.
11/11/2010 - Complete additional disease testing.
11/15/2010 - Last "normal" AF!
11/17/2010 - Start BCPs
12/6/2010 - Appt in STL with Dr. S to finalize IVF cycle; get injection lessons.
1/2011 - IVF #1: BFP!
10/2011 - My daughter was born
10/2013 - Second daughter born
(Marriage ended Jan 2015)
(Remarried June 2018)
8/15/2018 - BFP! Due with baby #3 (5th total between us) April 2019