Monday, July 19, 2010

Hail Mary FAIL

AF just got here, and I actually did a fist-pump in the bathroom since I got so many BFNs this weekend that I just wanted her to get here so I could get started with IUI #8! Woot. At least I caught it before I had a clothing emergency like last month...

Aww it's alright. At least now I can go down to Arkansas in 2 weeks for my cousin's wedding and have a glimmer of hope that I'll be knocked up sooner than later. Maybe with TWINS!!!


Anonymous said...

Best of luck! Crossing my fingers for a successful IUI. :)

Tiffany said...

Uhg, so sorry about your BFN...but you know what they say, 8 is great! Right? Well, that's what I'll be saying for you! Fingers crossed!

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