Saturday, April 24, 2010


All is well here so far. As long as I don't see any red/pink stuff today then I will have officially missed AF by the end of the day today. :) Took my last HPT (for now) this morning, in the dark, and with the little bit of daylight peeking through the blinds, I saw the 2 lines pop up together as the pee crossed the testing window. That made me feel so much better. Though I was fully awake at 6:45 am. On a SATURDAY. So I stayed up, watched tv. DH went into work for some stupid training thing at 8 so I sat on the couch till about 10. Then I went upstairs and watched "New Moon" for the 10th time and fell asleep. It was wonderful.

We told my folks last night. I figured the longer I kept it from Mom, the more angry she'd be when she found out later on down the road. I told them the betas were good so far and the progesterone was excellent, but not to get too pumped b/c the last 3 pregnancies were failures. Mom was beyond excited. It was nice to tell someone. We're going to tell DH's folks tonight b/c they keep asking if the "procedure" worked from a couple of weeks ago. Figure, why not tell them? No point in keeping it a secret from the folks now. They've been though our last 2 pregnancies, why start keeping it a secret now?

So that's that. Beta #3 is on Monday morning. I will post as soon as I can with the results!


Lindsay said...


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